6 Benefits of Air Balancing HVAC Systems


Is your HVAC system properly balanced? If not, it could cost you money and negatively impact your building’s occupants. Few building owners give much thought to their HVAC system until there’s a problem or a complaint. But proactively maintaining your HVAC system can save you money and headaches. One of the best ways to do that is to ensure your system is balanced correctly. Here are six benefits of air balancing HVAC systems.

What is Air Balancing for HVAC?

Building owners are always looking for ways to improve their energy efficiency. One way to do this is by balancing their HVAC system.  An unbalanced airflow in an HVAC system can cause several problems, including occupant comfort complaints, reduced system efficiency and increased wear and tear on the system. HVAC professionals use various techniques to diagnose and correct an unbalanced airflow.

The most common method is using an Air Flow Capture Hood (aka a Balometer) and a Manometer.  The Balometer is placed over the supply, return or exhaust air registers and grilles to measure the amount of air entering or leaving the HVAC system and entering or leaving the occupied spaces.  The Manometer, on the other hand, measures the pressure differential between two points within the system to calculate the velocity inside the ductwork, thereby allowing calculation of the total amount of air moving inside the ducts. Once the air flows and pressure differentials have been determined, HVAC professionals can adjust the balancing dampers, fans and belts throughout the system to adjust the airflow in an effort to balance the system. In some cases, an unbalanced airflow can also be caused by dirty ductwork, stuck dampers and leaks. In these cases, HVAC professionals can clean the ductwork, repair or replace broken dampers and repair any leaks identified to restore balance to the system.

There are many other aspects of HVAC air balancing like leakage testing, building or space pressure control testing/adjustment, equipment performance validation and sequence testing, however this article is focused on the advantages of a more conventional air balancing process consisting of the fans, ducts and air inlets and outlets throughout the systems.

Air balancing can improve indoor air quality by preventing drafts and ensuring that all rooms are properly heated, ventilated and air conditioned. Also, by ensuring that each zone in the building receives the correct airflow, building owners can avoid over-cooling or overheating certain areas, saving energy and money.

Advantages of Air Balancing

It Improves Occupant Comfort Levels

The primary purpose of almost any HVAC system is to create and maintain a safe and comfortable environment for the occupants of the building.   An HVAC system that is properly balanced provides even heating and cooling throughout your building. The improved airflow can help to reduce hot and cold spots, as well as drafts.  In addition, stagnant areas are eliminated and uniformity of flow is achieved.  As a result, building occupants will be safer and more comfortable knowing that they are receiving the correct airflow and the proper ventilation of their spaces. 

It Leads to Better Air Quality

An HVAC system that properly circulates air is critical for maintaining good indoor air quality.  A well balanced system provides the necessary air changes of outdoor air to ensure a safe and comfortable environment in all areas of the building.

When the airflow is obstructed for extended periods, it can cause the formation of mold and mildew and odorous conditions. This is not only unpleasant, but it can also be unhealthy for occupants and results in costly remediation work to remove the damage done. Air balancing HVAC systems helps to ensure that the airflow is correct and that the indoor air quality is maintained at a high level. By adequately circulating the air, the formation of mold and mildew can be avoided. 

In addition, printers work better, with fewer jams and better paper handling.

It Increases the Energy Efficiency of HVAC Equipment

Heating and cooling is a significant expense in the operation of any building, however there are ways to ensure your HVAC system runs as efficiently as possible.  One of the most important things you can do is to have your system professionally balanced. This ensures that the airflow is evenly distributed. If the airflow is not evenly distributed, it can cause your system to work harder than it needs to, leading to higher energy bills.

When the system is out of balance, some areas of the building are overcooled and others are undercooled, resulting in unnecessary extended operation of the system.  The system continues to operate at a higher level than is necessary to bring the undercooled spaces to the correct temperature, while energy is being wasted in the overcooled areas.  An air balance test can help make the necessary adjustments to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency.

An air balancing test can also identify other system efficiency problems in the system, like stuck dampers or underperforming equipment.   By identifying these issues early, they can be resolved quickly and the system efficiency will be improved.

It Leads to a Longer Lifespan For HVAC Equipment

An HVAC system is a significant investment, so it makes sense to do everything possible to maintain it and extend its life span. Keeping the system properly balanced will extend the life of the system equipment. If the airflow is too high or too low, it can put stress on the system and cause it to wear and break down more quickly. By keeping the system balanced, you can help ensure that it lasts for its expected useful life. Not only is this cost-effective in the long run, but it also helps avoid costly repairs in the near term.

It Can Help Diagnose Other Issues

When an HVAC system has issues, air balancing is often the first step in diagnosing and resolving the problem. A trained professional can quickly identify where the issue lies by checking things like air pressure and airflow in all parts of the system. In many cases, simply adjusting the air balance can resolve the issue entirely.  If not, air balancing can still help diagnose other issues even when it doesn’t resolve the issue on its own.  By understanding how the system currently operating, professionals can often narrow down the possible causes of a problem and find a resolution more quickly.  As a result, air balancing is an essential part of any HVAC maintenance and diagnosis routine.

It Can Help You Save Money

No matter how big or small a building is, if your HVAC system isn’t correctly air-balanced, it’s costing you money. When a system isn’t balanced, it has to work harder to maintain the temperature you desire, leading to increased energy bills. In extreme cases, an unbalanced system can even lead to equipment damage, resulting in costly repairs. Thankfully, air balancing is relatively simple and inexpensive, meaning there’s no reason to let your HVAC system waste more energy—and money. So if you think your building’s HVAC system could use some help, contact a professional today. Your wallet will thank you.

Looking For Help Troubleshooting Your Air Balancing Issues?

Air balancing is essential in ensuring your HVAC system runs as efficiently as possible. By balancing the airflow in your building, you can save yourself money on energy costs and keep your environment comfortable all year round.  As such, it is an essential maintenance task that should be performed regularly by a qualified professional guided by sound engineering design. Before a building can be balanced, it is essential that you first determine what the correct airflow should be for each room or space.  This can be determined by an on-site evaluation of your current building use patterns followed by a HVAC load calculation to determine the ideal airflow for each space.  By taking these steps, you can ensure that your HVAC system runs efficiently and provides optimal comfort for years to come.

Schnackel Engineers is a full-service engineering company that provides HVAC design services to building owners. We have hundreds of years of combined experience in the industry and are dedicated to providing our clients with quality service and engineering solutions that provide real value to our clients.

If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced team to help you balance your HVAC system, look no further than Schnackel Engineers. We have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right and always put our customers first. Contact us today to learn more about our MEP/FP/IT design services, or schedule a consultation and give us a chance to show you the difference a balanced system can make.
